913-747-9093 [email protected] 7AM - 4PM Monday - Friday


At Phaze One Electric we mobilize our underground service with new and reliable 2024 Bobcat trenching equipment. Our mini-excavator can utilize rock-breaking attachments, along with an assortment of digging buckets, and a scratching plow; and our skid-steer can employ attachments to augur holes beyond just moving dirt.


From transformers, power poles, or sectionalizers, we are meticulous in providing the ideal trench that prevents disturbing nearby utilities, maintaining required depth, and is created in respectable time. Our operators are also electricians which can complete conduit layouts accurately and cleanly with forethought to integration.


For ground rough or under-slab, our operator/electricians can provide access under footings, scratch-in across AB3, or provide an underground trenched pathway to and from about anywhere. We offer competitive pricing against the bigger excavating companies and strive to outperform and surpass their quality.


Consultations and estimates are free and no job is too large or too small.

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